We at EnergoService maintain a highly skilled team of service engineers and technicians. They perform repairs and maintenance on facilities and installations and equipment of the Ovation® Information and Control System for the primary and secondary coolant loop, on the Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) and the Operational Monitoring System and the Primary Loop Chemistry System (PCS).
Our team is based in the town of Kozloduy and we provide 24/7 coverage.
Energoservice maintains a stock of critical spares, which enables a response time of less than 2 hours.
The repair works carried out by our service engineers are as follows:
- Planned maintenance.
- Emergency repairs and technical maintenance as requested by client;
- Current repairs.
Energoservice, as exclusive representative and together with APANTEC LLC, USA, in order to improve and extend the life of RMS in 2010 prepared and implemented modernization with improved components of one of the modules for the normal range Air Volume Activity Measuring System.
“Ovation®” is a computerized information and control system, based on distributed structure with the following components: standardized input/output, controllers, Ethernet and workstations. Ovation® incorporates a relational database management system and data storage system, along with a powerful user interface, which supports a fully integrated package of the latest software programs. These are used to design Ovation® management scenarios, produce graphic representation of processes, maintain point records, generate reports and configure the entire system.
Radiation Monitoring System (RMS)
The Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) has been developed and installed at the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant as part of the Unit 5 and Unit 6 modernization project.
The system consists of:
- Volumetric Activity Measuring System normal range monitor (two modules reserved for each unit and one for the Auxiliary Unit), as well as a high range /accident conditions gas monitor (one for each unit). The system measures the effluent activity concentrations in the normal mode of operation, in the repair and maintenance mode of operation, and in accident/post-accident conditions;
- Containment post-accident monitoring system (one for each unit), for measuring post-accident activity concentrations in the containment;
- Digital wide range monitoring system (one for each unit), for detecting and measuring of post accident gamma radiation in the containment.
Primary Side Chemistry Online Monitoring System (PCS)
PCS has been developed and installed at the Kozloduy NPP by Westinghouse, as part of the Unit 5 and Unit 6 modernization project.
The system continuously monitors specific chemical parameters of three sample streams:
- Reactor coolant
- Primary loop coolant following filtration
- Primary loop makeup
The operators at the KNPP are provided with real-time information of the primary loop coolant chemistry which provides for swift response and the application of corrective measures if necessary.
The system is based on modules and components by Dionex, Honeywell, Hach (Orbisphere).
The monitored chemical parameters are: acidity of the coolant (pH), dissolved Hydrogen and Oxygen, cations of Lithium, Sodium, Potassium and Ammonia (Li+, Na+, K+, NH4 +), anions of Chlorine, Fluorine and sulphates (Cl–, F–, SO4 –).